Sri Guru Teg Bahadar Sahib Ji 400th Prakash Divas
1 May 2021 was the 400th birth Anniversary of the Sikh's 9th Guru Teg Bahadar Sahib Ji, who is remembered for giving up his life for freedom of religion and a reminder to every ruler in the world that all human beings must be allowed to follow and practice their beliefs without fear of persecution and forced conversions.
Throughout this year the Sikhs all over the world are celebrating, commemorating and contemplating the life and ultimate sacrifice of our ninth Guru. We, the Sikhs in Peterborough are also celebrating his 400th birth anniversary on 23-24-25 July 2021. On Sunday, 25 July shall be a special service at our Sikh Temple, Gurdwara Baba Budha Sahib Ji between 12pm to 1pm.

Guru Arjan Dev Ji's Martyrdom Day
On Monday, 14 June 2021, the Sikh faith's 5th Guru Arjan Dev Ji's martyrdom day. In order to commemorate this we have organised an event when we will be distributing 101 cooked meals to the homeless and vulnerable people at 3 locations during lunchtimes. Our volunteers will be delivering the meals out at 12pm from Gurdwara Baba Budha Sahib Ji, Peterborough PE1 5YB.

BBJET School Children Kirtan Performance - 17 November 2019
Kirtan Classes are organised each Monday 6-8pm at the Gurdwara Sahib Ji. On 17 November 2019, a special Kirtan Darbar was held in celebrations of Guru Nanak Dev Ji's 550th Anniversary. The BBJET children performed kirtan on that day and they were all awarded with the achievement certificates.

Tree Planting - 14 March 2020
To celebrate the 550th Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Peterborough Sikhs commenced the programme of planting 550 trees as part of the Forest for Peterborough at the auspicious location of Orton Staunch, Nene Park Peterborough, on 23 November 2019. On 14 March 2020, additiona 180 whips were planted to create e nursary of trees, which will produce further trees for planting on the main site. Peterborough Sikhs decided to contribute towards improving environment and help reduce the carbon footprint by planting these 550 trees. Peterborough Sikhs are grateful to Nene Park Trust, Forest of Peterborough and PECT to make it happen.

Vaisakhi - 2019
The Gurdwara Sadh Sangat changed the Nishaan Sahib chola sahib with great enthusiasm. This ceremony is performed at the Gurdwara Baba Budha Sahib Ji Peterborough twice yearly - at Vaisakhi in April and then on Guru Nanak Dev Ji prakash day in November. The Nishaan Sahib is a 24/7 flying flag on every Gurdwara site is a marker to the public that it is a 'house of the almighty God'- a Sikh Temple, where food and shelter is available to the needy.

Shahidi Chote Sahibzade Kirtan Darbar
A special Kirtan Darbar to commemorate the Shaheedies of Sahibzaday Ajit Singh and Jujjar Singh in Chamkaur, and Sahibzaday Joravar Singh & Fateh Singh (Guru Gobind Singh Ji's four sons) was organised on 29 December 2019. The Gurdwara Sahib Ji's Head Granthi Bhai Balwinder Singh Ji did the Dhadi Kirtan and reminded the noble history of the Sikhs.

Nagar Kirtan - 2 November 2019
The huge procession took place on Saturday to celebrate the 550th anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s birth. Guru Nanak was the first Guru and founder of the Sikh religion. The parade took worshippers from the Gurdwara Baba Budha Sahib in Royce Road to the Sri Guru Singh Sahba Gurdwara in Newark Road

Tree Planting - 23 November 2019
To celebrate the 550th Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Peterborough Sikhs commenced the programme of planting 550 trees as part of the Forest for Peterborough at the auspicious location of Orton Staunch, Nene Park Peterborough, on 23 November 2019. Peterborough Sikhs decided to contribute towards improving environment and help reduce the carbon footprint by planting these 550 trees. Peterborough Sikhs are grateful to Nene Park Trust, Forest of Peterborough and PECT to make it happen.

Flood relief aid for the Punjab region
When the Gurdwara Baba Budha Sahib Ji Pterborough's Sangat found out that Punjab region in India has been heavily hit by the floods caused by the monsoon season, they immediately raised £2200 in just one day. The Prabandhak Committee felt it appropriate to send these funds to the needy through Khalsa Aid Charity, who were heavily engaged in this noble cause of making sure that the aid was handed over personally and directly to the worst affected poor. A cheque of £2200 was received by one of the Khalsa Aid organiser.

Guru Nanak Langar
Gurdwara Baba Budha Sahib Ji Peterborough youths do the humble seva of serving food to the homeless and the needy on every last Sunday of the month under the banner, "Guru Nanak Free Kitchen". The aim is to build stronger community for future by fighting hunger in the community today. Share your fortune with the needy is one of the three pillars of the Sikhism. The other two pillars are; Recite the Name of the Lord; Earn a righteous livelihood.

Volunteering by Yorkshire Building Society Peterborough - 22 July 2019
Gurdwara Baba Budha Sahib Ji Peterborough offers opportunities to local organisation to fulfil their professional development plans on charitable projects. On 22 July 2019 Officers from Yorkshire Building society took on the task of painting and decorating the Punjabi Classes rooms and Granthi Singh Ji's accommodation. They also did some gardening work and after a full day of satisfaction the team leader commented, "The team came back in great spirit. Feedback was fabulous - some had never experienced the temple and were very impressed and all of them spoke about how well they were fed! Thank you so very much. It has been an absolute delight to be of service and I will keep you in mind for future projects. ".